"If you want a cultural experience, off the beaten path, with complete luxury, Book the Tui Tai!" -- Devonne, USA
"I had a wonderful experience. For me my favorite moment was just swimming and splashing about in the sea." -- Richard, UK
"Great fun, my favorite moments were the scuba diving." -- Deiter, USA
"A nice blend of activities and relaxation. My favorite activity was the Tavoro Waterfalls excursion. I also enjoyed relaxing onboard the Tui Tai and meeting other passengers." -- Hank, USA
"My favorite moments were lying out on the day beds, watching the stars at night. Also the snorkeling was amazing!" -- Nick, USA
"Great trip. Lots of activities to fill your day, but still very relaxing. My personal highlights included seeing a sea snake while snorkeling, the view from Cobia Volcano summit, and jumping into the Bouma waterfalls after a hot bike ride." -- Sri, USA
The following are questions and the average scores during the adventure cruise ending 9th December 2006:(1=Poor, 10=Excellent)
Did you find the Tui Tai Experience held up to its promises? Avg. Score: 9.3
How would you rate the level of service from the onboard staff? Avg. Score: 9.5
Was your cabin/stateroom comfortable and in working order? Avg. Score: 9.0
How would you rate the meals served? Avg. Score: 8.3
How would you rate your scuba diving experience? Avg. Score: 10
How safe did you feel during your Tui Tai expedition? Avg. Score: 9.7
Would you recommend Tui Tai Adventure Cruises to your friends and family? 100% answered "Yes"