What a fantastic week we have just had on the Tui Tai. Apart from a couple of rainy

days we had gorgeous weather and managed to enjoy a whole host of activities. For many of the guests it was a chance to try something new - be it scuba diving ( Congratlations Ayesha and Max!), jumping off/sliding down a waterfall or hiking a volcanic crater. When a hurricane warning altered our plans we decamped to a secluded beach and played volleyball, golf and a lot of us learned to paddleboard (John turned out to have a great sense of balance). The divers were lucky enough to see a Manta Ray on the White Wall - something none of us will forget. In the evenings we were fully entertained by Matt singing and playing guitar, and Steve showing us a whole new style of dancing. Bob showed us how watersliding was done and the honeymooners Kurt and Susan pursued their mission of finding heart-shaped seashells and coral at every opportunity. The Tui Tai is all about adventure, so whether it's already in your blood or you'd like to unleash your inner action-man/woman, come onboard and immerse yourself in a whole host of new experiences.