Dick Boranian led a group of 18 surf/adventure enthusiasts on a recent Tui Tai Surf Expedition. The expedition combined some of Fiji's best known and newly discovered surf breaks, in addition to Tui Tai's signature adventure activities: biking, hiking, snorkeling, scuba diving, kayaking, and of course village style cultural entertainment.
Expedition member, Chuck Hart, had this to say following the trip:
"Our Fiji trip was incredible. The Tui Tai crew were fantastic in every way. We went to new territory way off any usual routes, chasing surf south of Viti Levu and surfed for two days off of Beqa Island at a spot called Frigates Passage. We had a Kava ceremony and watched fire walkers on Beqa Island. The fishing was great. We caught two large Ono, several Walu and Mahi Mahi. Some of us rode bicycles on Taveuni starting at Lavena and went up to the waterfall and back while the surfers surfed Lavena Point. Half of our group had a big party in Lavena one night with the whole village. We did a dive off of Kioa Island which was terrific. I haven’t dove with a tank in about 12 years. We stayed up late the last night drinking Kava with the crew making music and telling stories. Overall, a wonderful time was had and I hope to do it again.
For more information on future surf expeditions, please check out the Active Fiji Expeditions Calender:
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